What is Postural Restoration?


In our combined 25+ years of experience as clinical Physical Therapists, we have found that of all the many movement and postural methods we have learned and worked with, PRI (Postural Restoration institute) has provided the most comprehensive, integrative and effective approach out there.

It is our primary source for the postural and breathing re-patterning techniques found in the Master Guide.



Tenets of the PRI approach

The human body is inherently asymmetrical in design where the right side is naturally more dominant. This is due to our asymmetrical brain hemispheres; organ arrangement (bigger right sided liver compared to smaller left sided stomach) and a larger right sided respiratory diaphragm. The end result of this is our lumbar spine and pelvis orient themselves to the right in space. To compensate, the rest of the body above and below counter-rotates in an attempt to keep the body facing forward creating a twist throughout the entire body. This is essentially why most people are right hand dominant but even lefties will display this inherent postural pattern.

Because of this natural asymmetry and twist through the body, the left and right sides must be trained differently which is why nearly all of the Postural Restoration based techniques are performed primarily on one side of the body. Some focus on retraining the right while others on the left depending on the region.


The PRI approach is extremely integrative of the entire body. It connects patterns in your vision, mouth, jaw, hearing, feet, pelvis, abdomen, diaphragm, back, thorax, rib cage, neck and skull. When you create a shift in any one of these areas it will affect everything else and vice versa.

PRI has a deep respect for how your nervous system is wired and creates your perception of who you are physically. PRI holds the answers to how your physical body responds to stress and how to therapeutically respond using its methods.



Because we feel more secure and safe on our right leg and also in our right space, when you add any additional stressors (can be physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual) to your body it will physically respond by winding up even more onto the right side. This is how you compensate and adapt to feel secure. The result is that your left side and space go offline and you lose the benefits of integrating both sides of your body creating tension, restriction and a lack of physical resonance. This negatively impacts not just your freedom of movement but all dimensions of your health, including your sleep, digestion, immunity, emotional and mental regulation and even your connection to your higher self with the ability to receive and give love.

Therefore, in order to be fully grounded, centered and in resonance with your physical body it is absolutely essential to learn how to authentically find, feel and function the shadow left half of you. Once you are able to truly access your left side and space you then have the capacity to resonate between both halves of yourself, becoming whole, the real “You.”


To experience the neutrality, groundedness and balance from the PRI approach you can:
  • Join our Resonate Health Master Guide Membership or Dual Resonance Membership where you will have access to a variety of powerful PRI techniques with detailed instructions and guidance. If you are a member, you have exclusive access to sign up for a Resonate Health Personalized Program created specifically for you to address your unique healing needs.
  • Prefer more individualized guidance on what techniques are best for you? Consider an Integrative Consulting call with us to determine how to best get your body into optimal alignment and resonance.


