Do viruses exist? Why denying their existence could be hazardous to your health.


Since COVID, there has been increased attention given to viruses. In tandem to this, there are increasing arguments against the existence of viruses.

Let's review 9 claims against the existence of viruses and the corresponding science that viruses do indeed exist.




Do Viruses Exist? The Short Answer

Yes, viruses do exist, and their presence is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence. Viruses are microscopic infectious agents made of genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein shell. They cannot reproduce on their own and require a host cell to replicate. Scientists have studied and observed viruses for over a century, using tools like electron microscopes, laboratory experiments and advanced molecular biology techniques.




People in close proximity often get sick together supporting the existence of viruses.

  • It is widely observed that when one person in a household, daycare, classroom or workplace develops symptoms of a viral illness (e.g., a cold or flu), others often get sick shortly after. This pattern is consistent with the idea that viruses spread through respiratory droplets, touch or shared surfaces. For example, in schools, one child coming in with the flu can lead to multiple classmates getting sick within days.
  • There are patterns of seasonal illness such as cold and flu season where viral illnesses spike in colder months when people spend more time indoors, in close contact with others and with less ventilation. This strongly aligns with viral transmission patterns, as viruses like influenza and rhinoviruses thrive in such conditions. For, example, during winter holidays, many people travel, gather indoors and interact with larger groups, leading to noticeable increases in illnesses.
  • It has been demonstrated that quarantine and isolation work to prevent illness. When someone with a contagious illness is isolated, others in their household or workplace often remain healthy. This supports the idea that the illness is caused by something transmissible (like a virus) rather than solely environmental toxins or pre-existing conditions. For example, in hospitals, strict infection-control protocols (e.g., masks, gloves, isolation rooms) reduce the spread of viruses like norovirus or SARS among healthcare workers.
  • Epidemics and pandemics provide clear evidence where large outbreaks of diseases like measles, influenza or COVID-19 occur in patterns consistent with viral spread through communities and populations. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, cases surged after large gatherings or in areas with poor ventilation, and they declined with masking and social distancing. This global pattern is not easily explained by non-contagious factors. Furthermore, cases of the flu dramatically decreased during COVID-19 due to people social distancing.



visualization of a virus, what a virus looks like


Why doesn't everyone in close proximity get sick?

  • Differences in immune system strength and underlying health status have a huge impact on whether someone will get sick. People with pre-existing chronic infections and health conditions, high toxin loads, lack of sleep, increased stress and/or inflammation have weakened immune systems, leaving them less able to fight off an acute viral infection. When the body is already busy managing underlying conditions, it has fewer resources to fight off exposure to new infections. For example, a stressed, sleep-deprived and/or nutrient-deficient individual may get sick after exposure, while someone who is well-rested, relaxed and consuming immune-supporting supplements may not.
  • Varying exposure levels will influence your chances of getting sick.  Someone spending prolonged time in close contact with a sick individual is more likely to be exposed to a higher viral load, increasing their risk of illness. This also includes exposures to higher volumes of contaminate such as being sneezed on in the face, kissing or other sexual activities involving bodily fluid and mucous membrane contact. One could also unknowingly be ingesting contaminated bodily fluids at restaurants (example- chefs often cut their fingers which blood then can get into the food you consume).
  • Protective factors such as immune-supporting supplements (e.g., zinc, vitamin C, elderberry), eating nutritious diets and leading low-stress lifestyles will better equip one to fight off infections. 
    • This factor is HUGE. As a healthcare practitioner who often does hands-on body work and breathing techniques with my clients, I am frequently exposed to airborne pathogens in relatively high concentrations but do not get sick. The only 3 times I have gotten sick in the past 5 years was when I was traveling and off my normal nutritional rhythm.




Why believing that viruses don't exist can be hazardous to your health

According to Anthony William (Medical Medium), whom we have been following and using his protocols successfully for the past 6 years after many years of unsuccessful navigation of conventional and other alternative medical approaches, viruses (particularly those from the herpetic family such as Epstein-Barr) are a HUGE component of chronic mystery illness (toxins, radiation, and DDT are the other main ones). Refer to this article about the connections between viruses, pain and postural tension.

Conscious awareness of one's root causes of illness is critical to be able to take the correct and appropriate behavioral steps to heal from it. For example, knowing that toxins and certain foods such as gluten, dairy and eggs can perpetuate viruses will facilitate you to take action in lowering your viral load. Resonate Health provides you with all the tools, resources and knowledge you need to successfully detox and reduce the viral levels in your body which are so often holding back your healing.

Knowledge not only empowers your ability to make better genuinely supportive health choices but it also helps direct your body's innate intelligence to more effectively heal. Viruses can be very evasive and confusing to your immune system. When you understand that your body needs to reduce its viral levels this awareness transfers to your cells amplifying their healing success. For those that work in biofield based therapies, including this intention within a treatment session can also assist in addressing viral infections as there is an accompanying energetic pattern to any physical one.




Consider this....

If there are entities (whether they are people, groups or organizations and/or energetic/spiritual sourced ones (we would argue both) out there that want to suppress or control a population, health is a key factor to manipulate. In today's modern society, what controls our healthcare is:

  • Government agencies which dictate:
    • The content for board certification for licensed healthcare practitioners and thus what they are educated on
    • FDA regulations
    • NIH research and funding
  • The pharmaceutical industry which spent $83 billion on research and development in 2019 in the US and over $300 billion worldwide (take note that the US is 28% of that total).
    (Congressional Budget Office, Statista). However, it has been found that most pharmaceutical companies spend more on sales and marketing by around 37% (AHI)
  • The media which is directed by the above but also the growing plethora of health and wellness "Influencers" who may or may not have true information or your best interests at heart.



media influence on your mind and perception of reality

Therefore, entities in a position to control and influence have the ultimate power over a society's health.

For those that believe in dark/negative/evil entities of the energetic/spiritual nature, have you considered that these could be potentially influencing influencers without their awareness? This includes both ill and well-intentioned influencers....

It is very confusing, overwhelming and challenging to be able to navigate today's health and wellness landscape. It seems pretty obvious that our current model is failing us and that we need something else which is why there is a growing body of alternative information alongside the current conventional dogmas. However, what is true and what isn't depending on each one of our individual contexts? If you go on a search you will find quite the variety of answers often with many conflicting.

The beauty of being a human is Your ability to exercise our own free will in the perspectives and decisions you make. Yet, this is an extraordinarily difficult task to uphold in our current framework.

How do you find your way? Through our own personal and professional experiences working with thousands of clients, we believe it is the integration of learning to authentically listen and learn from all dimensions of yourself- body, heart, mind and soul. In a way, you become your own personal science experiment as you begin to tease out what does and doesn't work while opening up your conscious awareness to self-limiting patterns both within and around you. This is the essence of conscious personal mastery that will ultimately guide you to the You you genuinely want to embody.






