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As illustrated in the Resonate Health logo, the detox aspect of the healing process may be viewed as the darker underside portion of the circle, analogous to the, often unconscious, shadow aspects of ourselves that we may not be totally aware of. This includes pathogens, toxins, unprocessed bodily trauma, stuck emotions, self-limiting beliefs, negative energy and/or fractures in your soul.
Bringing these aspects to the surface to appropriately detox and let go of may not always be experienced as the “fun” part of healing but it is an essential component to the process so that you can ultimately be able to integrate new, nourishing patterns of living in health as you rid yourself of the self-limiting ones. The symbol would not be whole unless both the light and dark shadow aspects of the self and healing are present. It is through the darkness that you are able to emerge into the light.
When you integrate the Resonate Health approach and release what is no longer serving you in your greatest and highest good, you align yourself with your true resonance. This allows you and your body to get rid of the extra physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual baggage you carry, which can be stored in your physical organs, brain, tissues, cells and even your biofield.
Without appropriate detoxification support the various pathogens and toxins of all kinds will stay inside you, circulating to find another home in vulnerable areas of your body. This typically creates dis-ease and wreaks havoc on your ability to function and heal, while perpetuating the cycle to continue.
To be the more vital and true You, you have to get rid of anything that isn't organically You.
Detox is getting rid of anything that isn't organically You.
The Resonate Health approach appreciates that true healing is done on your terms and is here to support you in accessing what you need when you need it. We detox in phases and cycles that matches our readiness and ability to physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually detox.
We have A LOT of detoxing to do because of our current and long standing societal norms and way of living that is simultaneously poisoning our planet and bodies. The food and beverages we consume, the air we breathe and our everyday environments are laden with toxic chemicals and substances, whether you are aware of it or not!
Toxins of all kinds also get passed onto us from our parents and in the womb. The human body is quite resilient but the cumulative effects of repetitive toxic overloads day after day and year after year can weigh you down with health effects eventually showing up.
For some, this happens earlier or later in life with varying degrees of severity depending on your own unique everything. Often, some sort of stressful event or experience such as an accident, loss, acute illness, betrayal or any other trauma can serve as the trigger to bringing up underlying health problems to the surface.
Many first note this as signs of “getting old,” noticing they recover more slowly and feel sluggish and/or “off” for longer periods of time. Unfortunately, many accept that this is the way life is and believe you will never feel as good as you once did.
Part of the reason why you feel this way is because of the heavy junk that has found a home in your body, heart and head which weighs down your spirit, and pulls you out of your resonance, or out of tune.
We are here to break this limiting body and belief cycle and enable you to take your vitality back through the power of detox!
As a friendly reminder, be gentle on yourself and give yourself mercy! You are consciously choosing to work on yourself and sometimes the detoxification response shows us how much we suppressed, repressed and dealt with over the years. You are now deciding to handle things differently and live in a way that feels more aligned with you. This takes a significant amount of courage and willpower that many do not have.
The goal of detoxing and healing is for you to feel strong, flexible, hydrated, nourished, calm, clear, creative, passionate, at peace, energized and just plain healthy - how you want to ultimately feel!
It is time to release these toxins and restore yourself to the True You!
Therefore, if you start to experience a symptom, ask yourself if it's one you have had before and carefully consider the above mentioned possibilities.
When you physically cleanse by avoiding troublemaker foods/beverages/additives that feed pathogens as well as consume anti-pathogenic foods and supplements, you may start to experience cravings for troublemaker foods/beverages/additives. This can happen because you are starving the pathogens the fuel they depend on for survival. Thus, the pathogens may react and release more neurotoxins and/or dermatoxins into your body intensifying cravings and create other potential physical detox symptoms listed above.
Cravings are really coming from the pathogens in your body and not the true you. Keeping this perspective in mind can help you ward them off to hopefully make the choice to not give into the cravings.
Viruses carry information such as prior physical and emotional experiences of the person you caught it from. Therefore, as you detox them, you also can experience odd and unfamiliar sensations and feelings that were connected to the people carrying the virus previously. You could be letting go of decades of human experiences when you detox the viral thread of it all. Through this mechanism, viruses imprint collective patterns within our society at the physical and emotional levels. Think about how many people viruses infect! This link has the potential to also deepen our connection with one another and facilitate empathy in the history we share with one another.
Something not typically appreciated with the detox process is that it involves releasing stored adrenaline from fat and organ cells. When your body is under more stress than it can manage, any extra unprocessed adrenaline will get stored in your fat cells and organs. This is a protective mechanism for your nervous system as adrenaline is ultimately corrosive to it. Furthermore, whatever emotion(s) experienced during the original adrenaline release is attached to it. Therefore, as you detox old adrenaline you may re-experience the emotion(s) paired with it. This is why you may feel moody, irritable or experience sudden emotional states without any reason.
Conversely, some intense experiences necessitating adrenaline release (like a race, competition or celebration) are exciting and positive emotional experiences that get linked together. Therefore, during detox it’s also possible to feel almost euphoric at times as these types of adrenaline and accompanying emotions release.
Because adrenaline likes to make its home in fat cells, this is also why when you are stressed you may reach for fatty comfort foods to help sop it up. Unfortunately, the adrenaline then tends to stay in your system vs getting eliminated. The opposite pattern may also happen if you avoid eating when stressed. This also increases adrenaline production (to manage blood sugar) which can then get stored in your body if happening at a rate beyond what you are unable to successfully clear. Similar to getting addicted to the adrenaline rush with caffeine, you can get addicted to this same feeling when you don’t eat or starve yourself. This behavior is also typically a compensation to feel more in control of your life.
Sometimes, as certain toxins and poisons are leaving your cells and making their way into your bloodstream you may experience them as a taste or smell. It’s not unusual to sense cigarette smoke, ammonia, sulfur, rot, certain troublemaker foods/beverages/additives or other chemicals during the detoxification process.
Therefore, when you cleanse you are releasing:
These substances can bog down your lymphatic system as you retain water in an attempt to diffuse the potency of the toxic sludge. Therefore, as you cleanse you may lose a lot of weight of which a significant amount may be this fluid.
As you release adrenaline and the accompanying emotions you are becoming more emotionally regulated and clear. Your discernment elevates and you become more connected to the true You. You are able to make choices and take actions that genuinely support your greater good vs unhealthy and self-sabotaging ones.
Hopefully, having this knowledge will help give you additional willpower to hold off the temptation to revert to any fatty foods or troublemaker foods/beverages/additives while you are releasing adrenaline and any tough accompanying emotions. Furthermore, the cleanses and nutritional recommendations in the Master Guide are specifically designed to appropriately nourish and sustain you to minimize these potential detox reactions. Nonetheless, the reality is that you will inevitably have to navigate the emotional releases that often accompany physical ones. If so, it is best to try to not analyze them too much and simply notice them as they will inevitably flow through you as they exit.
Reference: Cleanse to Heal pp 443-560.
Your brain and nervous system are analogous to an electrical grid requiring just the right balance of oxygen, glucose, water, electrolytes, neurotransmitters, vitamin B12 and amino acids mixed with healthy levels of adrenaline. Most modern humans are chronically dehydrated and deficient in glucose, electrolytes and B12 coupled with excessive levels of adrenaline due to stress, caffeine and not regulating their blood sugar appropriately. This leads to overheating of your neural networks causing brain cell injury or death, emotional dysregulation and reduced functional capacity for creativity and cognition. Furthermore, the presence of toxic heavy metals in your brain will throw off the circuitry even more where the normal flow of electricity gets impeded, rerouted into less efficient patterns and/or overheated. This will be exacerbated with any additional stress or trauma in your life. In some extremes, you can experience a panic attack, complete meltdown or even a stroke.
We typically are not with a lack of oxygen as we usually get adequate amounts with our normal breathing. The problem is that our oxygen levels become unchecked with accompanying deficiencies in water, glucose and electrolytes which leads to a more flammable and hot environment in your brain. This can potentially be exacerbated by certain breathwork techniques that drive up oxygen levels where there is not enough water, glucose or electrolytes to counteract it.
A situation where oxygen levels in the brain will be deficient is if you are eating too much fat in your diet as it thickens your blood, decreasing its oxygen capacity. Fat also competes with glucose so your brain glucose levels will drop. To compensate, your adrenals will release adrenaline which in turn causes excessive brain heat and is corrosive to your nervous system. For some people, they experience this extra adrenaline release as a feel good sensation and may confusingly believe that eating high fat is good for them. Thus they will continue this eating pattern while adding more and more heat and dysregulation to their brain and nervous system. From an emotional perspective, this could play out in either an overly sensitive, moody or irritable state of being or a flat non-emotional and non-empathetic pattern depending on the specific areas of the brain that are impacted.
When you experience an emotional injury, the emotional centers of your brain will heat up which can potentially injure your brain tissue. This is more likely to occur if you have:
Reference: Brain Saver pp. 70-96.
Resonate Health believes detox is an important, healthy and natural part of healing but also a continuous inherent life process.
We aim to minimize the intensity of any potential detox reaction so you may integrate and align with ease.
To understand, support yourself and reduce any detox reaction(s) you may be experiencing, review the information below or use a testing technique to determine where you need to focus.
This content is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor or professional if you have medical concerns. If you are experiencing a medical emergency or are at risk of self-harming, immediately call 911 or the suicide prevention hotline (988).
©️ 2022 Resonate Health. This content may not be duplicated, copied or shared unless authorized.