One of the most underlying poignant and powerful forces that may be directing your current resonance pattern, health and life story could be your ancestral history and trauma. Healing ancestral trauma is key to breaking generational cycles and reclaiming your freedom.
Science used to believe that physical trauma could not be inherited. However, the relatively recent science of epigenetics (how your environment affects how you express your DNA and pass it on to your offspring) has shown this to not be the case. For example, certain traumatic experiences such as starvation can influence levels of obesity in future generations.
The work of Weston Price clearly demonstrates the detrimental generational health effects that indigenous groups experienced when adopting a westernized diet. Frances Pottenger’s research with cats also showed how within just a single generation of consuming an unhealthy diet that future generations’ health was negatively impacted. Furthermore, it took 4 generations of healthy eating to reverse it!
Another example of physical ancestral trauma is the passing along of toxins between mother and child in the womb. This study identified 287 chemicals that were passed on to the fetus from the mother where 180 are known to cause cancer, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system and 208 can cause birth defects.
Between the late 1930s through the early 1970s, millions of pregnant women were prescribed a lab-manufactured estrogen called Diethylstilbestrol (DES) which was designed to prevent miscarriages and other problems during pregnancy.
Pathogens such as bacteria and viruses can also be passed onto a fetus from the mother as revealed in this study. These potential sources of toxins and pathogens and the varying combinations they present in each person can absolutely be a source of trauma for the body perpetuating all sorts of health issues.
Research is also starting to uncover the inheritable effects of extreme emotional stress. Just like with physical trauma, the stress of emotional trauma can alter how you express your DNA epigenetically influencing not only your biology but also your behavior. We know that certain psychiatric illnesses tend to run in families. Most likely these illnesses have a multi-dimensional etiology which will continue to be passed along to future generations until they are holistically healed on all levels.
Coupled to your physiology and emotional state of being is your mental perception of yourself and relationship to the world around you. A result of trauma is the creation of self-limiting beliefs that you have incorrectly concluded about yourself due to the traumatic experience.
For example, when faced with adverse childhood experiences, you have a harder time learning unconditional love, acceptance and safety-the essential pillars of a healthy sense of self-esteem, self-worth and self-acceptance. You may perceive that you are inherently not good enough, worthy and in danger which in turn has a massive impact on the choices you make and actions you take. Children of parents with this pattern often create their own children with this pattern and so on until someone along the link breaks the chain.
When you do not genuinely believe you are enough and accept all aspects of yourself, your ability to connect to your higher self and divine essence as a source of unconditional love and eternal safety is difficult. Physical, emotional and/or mental trauma also takes a toll on your soul. Your cord to your divine nature, your source of unlimited and unconditional love and acceptance, is damaged requiring deep healing to ultimately restore it. Furthermore, these soul level wounds can also be passed along ancestrally.
Your body is not just a physical entity composed of particles and matter but an energetic one as well. Every particle is always oscillating and has a signature resonance pattern generating waves of energy. Remember Einstein’s equation of E = mc2? This means that energy equals matter coupled with light.
Because of the interchangeable nature between our physical and energetic nature, ancestral patterns of trauma of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual nature will concurrently be represented in your corresponding energy bodies of these domains. This is why using energy based healing techniques such as Biofield Tuning have the capacity to create significant shifts within your body-heart-mind-soul complex and vice versa. The key to success is often within the timing, sequencing and dosage of working with and integrating these dimensions of yourself.
Resonate Health holds the keys to unlocking the bindings that ancestral trauma may continue to have over you. Come join us in exploring the different ways you may break through these chains to emerge as an unburdened and freer version of You!