Discover Your Resonance Rating

Your Resonance Rating is designed to help you figure out where you are on the spectrum of living in alignment with your true authentic self, illuminating your current health and resonance within your Body, Heart, Mind and Soul.

When you are living in alignment, you are in flow and resonate health within all aspects of your being.

  • Rate yourself as truthfully as possible so you can genuinely acknowledge where you are right now.
  • Use this rating to check your baseline and to see where you can benefit from our memberships and offerings. As a member check your progress overtime and receive specific Master Guide healing resources to support you, no matter your rating. 

Check your resonance rating by taking the questionnaire below

Select from #1-5 to indicate how closely you align with the choices available

  • Body
  • Heart
  • Mind
  • Soul
  • Conscious Personal Mastery
    • View Score
    (1) I feel physically uncomfortable and always feel some type of pain or tension somewhere in my body.
    (5) I feel physically comfortable, at ease and relaxed in my body.
    (1) I feel physically uncentered, ungrounded and disconnected from my body.
    (5) I feel physically centered, grounded and connected to my body.
    (1) I feel exhausted, do not have enough energy and struggle to meet the demands and desires of my day.
    (5) I have plenty of energy and easily meet the demands and desires of my day with extra to give.
    (1) I am restricted from moving as freely as I desire and I am unable to do what I physically want to do.
    (5) My body feels mobile, can move freely and I am able to do what I physically want to do.
    (1) I don’t pay attention to and am generally unaware of the sensations I physically feel in my body and/or I have a high pain tolerance and can push through almost anything.
    (5) I am aware of the physical sensations I feel in my body in times of comfort and discomfort and know when I am out of alignment.
    (1) I am not good at listening to my body’s needs for sleep, sustenance and self-care.
    (5) I am adept at listening to my body’s needs for sleep, sustenance and self-care.
    (1) I feel disconnected from my surroundings and I don’t like where I physically live and spend my time.
    (5) I feel connected to my surroundings and I love where I physically live and spend my time.
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