05. Family Victim Consciousness Pattern Self-Reflection

This self-reflection helps deepen your conscious self awareness of any family victim patterns you may be involved or engaged in so you may start choosing where and how to manage yourself and your precious energy. 

As you learn about the victim consciousness game in your family, you may likely begin to acknowledge and reflect on the many victim patterns and conditioning within those around you including at work and in your friendships.


Before proceeding with this self-reflection, please make yourself acquainted with what victim consciousness is and how it can play out in your family. Remember, this information is not defining you and your family, it is simply acknowledging patterns of manipulation that you and your family may or may not know about and engage in, that are overall disempowering.

Stay curious about yourself and your family and acknowledge any triggers that come up for you along the way.  These triggers are doorways into understanding where patterns originated from which allows for deeper awareness and embodiment of your true self.


You may realize how much you play the game or how often other family members wrap you into playing with them. Go gentle as you reflect on these patterns. In time, you will recognize more and more which may change how you desire to relate to others and bring your attention to much needed healthy boundaries.

As you reflect on your family, the patterns, habits and ways of being and speaking, remember to remain in a neutral state. We are not here to judge, blame or ridicule ourselves or any family member/s, this space is simply allowing you to acknowledge patterns within your family, both healthy and dysfunctional. 

When we recognize our patterning, our ways of being and how we live, we begin to notice the moments of repetition. You notice yourself choosing the same things over and over even though they are no longer serving you.


As this consciousness deepens, you create space for yourself to pause in the moments of awareness, and with that pause comes choice. You have other choices suddenly opening up to you and you can choose to be and live a different way. You no longer live within the same familiar patterning but you are living life aligned with what is in resonance with you.

We are significantly imprinted upon and conditioned at young ages. These family patterns are experienced over and over in our lives in different ways through all stages of life until finally there is awareness and we choose to change. 

Allow this reflection section to support you in creating a space to bring awareness to your family pattern and potentially highlight some dysfunction, you may or may not have known was there all along.



Reflect on the prompts below for ~5-20 minutes, for the next 2-4 days. *Unless otherwise directed.

  • Acknowledge whatever you may be aware of at this time with curiosity. 
  • Perform this self-reflection again in about 4 weeks to assess your progress and to gather any new information to continue to support you and your greatest good.
  • Optionally, use your testing technique to determine your optimal frequency and duration to use this reflection.


Family self-reflection prompts:
  • Who in your family is currently playing one or more roles within the victim consciousness game?
  • What role (victim, rescuer or persecutor) does each family member primarily play?
  • What patterns do they use?
  • How do you act and express your emotions towards your family members in emotional times?
  • What role do you mainly assume when interacting with each family member? It may differ with each, be specific.
  • Is this way of being, true to your real self?
  • Is this way of being, serving your greatest good?
  • With who or in what situation in your family do you need to establish a healthy boundary?
  • How may you honor your integrity and boundary while understanding this family member may continue to express themselves through victim consciousness patterns?
  • Is there anything you need from another family member that you believe you are unable to provide for yourself? How do you interact with them to fulfill this need?



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