What you Might be Missing on Your Healing Journey


Are you missing something on your healing journey?

You are on a healing path! You have come to the realization that there is more to life than you have been experiencing. You have reached a limit of being able to deal with life’s stressors and are trying to take your health and power back. You are tired of feeling tired and ready to let go of the anxiety, tension, pain, depression, digestive woes, unfulfilling relationships, situations and just plain stress.

You have been trying all sorts of “healthy” habits such as exercise, going vegan or paleo, meditation, yoga or maybe even dabbling in some energy therapies like reiki. You are focusing on being positive, having gratitude and doing all the “right things.” All of this has been helpful and you are feeling better but you still aren’t quite getting to where you want to. Life continues to overwhelm you. You might feel stuck. Something feels amiss….



Firstly, please give yourself a round of applause for having the courage to even step onto your healing path as although it can lead you to fabulous unforeseen breakthroughs, its inherent nature is to challenge you. Healing is ultimately about learning and evolving through trials and tribulations. It is a non-linear process of self-discovery and evolution. It also never truly ends. After a grueling and treacherous climb reaching a new vista to savor there is always another rocky trail ahead to traverse for an even more amazing one, and so on. It is like being on an eternal switchback trail where the view keeps getting better and better. As you become more fit and adept to navigate the path, it can also become like second nature. You learn the keys and skills to life! One where you are truly free to be You!

lighthouse, searching for answer

The nature of life is that there are always 2 opposing forces which are constantly shifting back and forth around a midpoint, a place of neutrality. Our reality is all about charge which is driven by these positive and negative energies. Some examples are yang/yin, up/down, right/left, day/night, sun/moon, male/female, logic/intuition etc.   The existence of one defines the other. Without left would there be a right? Without one, you can’t appreciate the other. In the absence of this dynamic nothing would happen! The charge generated by these polarizing forces is what creates life and its inherent rhythms.


Our culture has conditioned us to believe that we need to only focus on the positive and it’s unacceptable to express “negative” feelings such as anger, fear or sadness. Your worth is defined by your appearance, productivity and achievements. Failure and mistakes are to be avoided at all costs. This has created a yang, masculine dominated society where the yin feminine has been suppressed and hiding in the shadows.


Within these shadows are the parts of you that are typically not seen, acknowledged and often repressed.

These are the aspects of you that you don’t like and are perceived as being “negative” or unacceptable. For many of us, we are not even aware of these dimensions of ourselves. In fact, that is what the journey is all about! Finding the courage and strength to finally face these uncomfortable parts within.

It is only through this process that you will truly learn to know your “Self” and be free. You have to descend to ascend. Healing is about reconciling ALL dimensions of yourself.



shadow of self



With that said, the #1 missing element on a healing journey is:

Getting to know and integrating your shadow Self

Because you are a multi-dimensional being comprised of physical, emotional, mental and soul domains, so does your shadow! Let’s go through each one.



Get to Know your Shadow Aspects



Resonate Health is designed to assist you in all dimensions of your healing journey: the physical, emotional, mental and soul in both the light and shadow.

Resonate Health’s Master Guide and Dual Resonance memberships showcasing the Resonate Health Integrative Healing Program and accompanying weekly forum for Q&A hold all the resources, tools and techniques you need. Or take it a step further for even more customization to your needs and consider one of our individual offerings. This way you can be assured that your healing experience is amplified and optimized just for you. Resonate has redefined the meaning of health to be able to take you to new vistas using tried and true healing trails.



