Resourcing Unconditional Love to Fuel Your Purpose

Simply put, unconditional love is the most powerful healing energy there is. It is the source of creation. It is what binds us together as a collective unit yet simultaneously supports each of our own unique beings. Unconditional love is the most coherent resonance there is and at its most pure state could be likened to bliss. It means to be able to give and receive love without judgment or conditions to not only others but yourself. 

At its core essence, the nature of your life experience and journey is really about discovering and accessing this pure source of energy to fuel your life’s purpose. What or who are you supposed to create or help support to create? What or who are you supposed to love? How do you serve the collective? Ultimately, as you step into what genuinely inspires and fulfills you, you benefit not just your own personal wellbeing but the greater good. You at your highest resonance help boost the collective’s resonance.

How do you access unconditional love? For some this can be simple and others very difficult. Your foundation for this is laid in your very early years as your parents are your primary teachers of unconditional love. However, there is a wide variable range of the degree you may or may not have received this gift which is ultimately determined by how much love your parents had within themselves to be able to give. Generally speaking, loving parents often create loving children and unloving parents often create unloving children. 

Resourcing Unconditional Love Meditation

  • Get into a comfortable position in a space without distractions and close your eyes. 
  • Tune into the center of your chest, your heart space. 
  • Reflect on a person or pet whom you have the most love for and allow yourself to feel this love in your heart space. You may include more than one being if you would like. 
  • Continue to focus on this person or animal as the intensity of this love grows. 
  • Once you feel as if it can’t get any higher and has reached its peak, reflect it back to you.
  • Direct it throughout your body as you are now channeling this love to yourself as unconditional self-love. 
  • Allow yourself to fully feel and experience this love for yourself.
  • This love does not judge you and accepts all parts of you, including your shadow aspects, unconditionally. 
  • Move this love wherever it needs to go within you. 
  • Continue this experience until it feels complete and when you have finished you may set the intention that you will continue to unconditionally receive and give this love within you to power your life’s purpose.   

Reflect on your current awareness of your life’s purpose. Where and how do you channel your love?

  • Are you here to build?
    •  Are you the builder or are you meant to assist and support one? Many great builders require helpers to fully actualize their creation. The collective needs both on many different levels. This includes CEOs, managers, service workers, etc.
  • Who are you supposed to create? Are you here to serve as a biological parent? 
  • Who are you supposed to love? Love can take the form of a romantic partnership nature but also in the form of serving as a mentor, teacher, caregiver or parent (of both human and non-human nature). It is through this love that you share and pass along this creative potential.  
  • Is there any other expression your love serves?
