Why you Might be Stuck in your Healing Journey

It is very common, and in a way an essential ingredient of the healing journey, to experience a blockage. In fact, that may be what got you on your journey in the first place! Or you may have been going strong for some time but have now reached a plateau in your progress feeling frustrated and confused about what you are doing wrong. Resonate Health exists to help you to get you moving along your path. However, there are times when this is happening where you may need to take a moment to consider and reflect on the following reasons why you might be blocked.

  • You have yet to fully experience all the intended facets of your current experience. You might be repressing or resisting certain elements of it. (Link to Resistance Exercise)
  • You have yet to process all dimensions of the experience. You may be missing one, some or any of the physical, emotional, mental or soul level lessons. For example, you are experiencing a lot of physical pain and symptoms and have done an extraordinary amount of work within the physical domain. However, the true source of your pain lies within the mental and emotional realms where you have yet to touch on it. Or vice versa, you may be experiencing a lot of emotional pain and have done a ton of psychotherapy but may be missing out on critical physical plane restoration.
  • You are not yet ready for the shift. There may be a part of you that is not ready to acknowledge what ultimately needs to be seen or feel what needs to be felt. This could be because it is a very deep and intense aspect of yourself. It is natural for us to try to protect ourselves from feeling such sensations and emotions. All levels of our being need to be ready to experience the transformation.
  • Part of your experience may involve other people and the timing of this still needs to unfold. For example, we have noticed this phenomenon with some of our clients who appear to be stuck in their progress. We then may learn a new technique which we implement in their program resulting in a resolution of the blockage.
  • There may be reasons that may never be known and are meant to be that way.

Any or all of this is ok! You have choice in how you interact and work with your experiences but you also need to respect that there may be an underlying pace at which it is in your best interest to go about it all. If you go too fast you may not be able to tolerate the processing, potentially experience too intense detox reactions and/or experience too much of a life disruption. Or if you go too fast you won’t be able to experience the full depths of what the experience is supposed to provide you.

The best advice we can give is to allow yourself to slow down a bit, set the intention for you to fully surrender to and learn from whatever experience you are meant to have where it is in your greatest and highest good resulting in the best possible outcome.

Self Reflection Exercise:

  • Consider a situation or relationship where you currently feel stuck. You may notice that you are frozen in your ability to act on it or feel like you are trying so hard but are unable to make any progress.
  • Are you able to identify if there are certain aspects which you may be repressing or  resisting?
    • Of what you identify, why do you think you might be repressing or resisting them?
