How you Co-Create Your Reality

One of the most important elements to understand for an empowered life experience is how you co-create your reality. 

Tenets of how you co-create your reality

  • There is a difference and relationship between your actual material reality vs your perception of your reality
    • Your actual reality is comprised of your tangible life circumstances such as your physical state of being, the family you come from, who you are in a relationship with, your job, home you live in, etc. Beyond these material substrates and situations lies your perception of them. 
    • Your perception of your reality does not necessarily equate to your actual reality.
    • A typical example of this is perceiving a threat and stress when there really isn’t one there, such as believing and fearing your reputation will be tarnished if you aren’t perfect in all domains of your life when in reality this is not true. 
  • Your perception of your actual reality is seen through the lens of how you process your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions. Your ability to accurately perceive your actual reality, react and work with it in a constructive way is dependent on how coherent and resonant you are within these domains. 
    • On a physical level, your body constructs your sense of groundedness, comfort, energy, physical mobility and freedom.  
      • Consider how differently you perceive the world when you don’t physically feel your best. 
    • At the emotional level your emotions are constantly providing you feedback about your perception of your reality. Whatever you are stressing over, negatively judging and triggered by is a telltale message about how you are interpreting your reality. 
      • Consider how differently you perceive the world when you are in a bad mood or feel off. 
    • Inextricably linked to your emotional responses are your underlying beliefs and attitudes about yourself and the world around you. These are the stories and narratives you create about your life circumstances and shape your mental representation of your reality.
      • You have a belief about everything, whether you express it or not. Ask yourself what you believe about everything you interact with today. 
      • Consider how differently you perceive the world or yourself when you say “I can” vs. “I can’t.”
    • Your relationship with your higher self, your soul and spirit significantly impact how you interpret your reality. This includes your acceptance that there may be certain inevitable limits and circumstances to be experienced in your life for reasons that may not ever be known in your lifetime. It also includes an acknowledgement that you are your own unique irreducible self but also a part of the greater whole. Your individual emotions, thoughts and experiences influence the collective and vice versa.  
      • Consider how your relationship (or lack thereof) to your higher self and the divine shape your perception of reality. 
  • How you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually perceive your reality co-creates your actual material reality. 
    • Your inherent resonance pattern attracts and creates your life circumstances. If you are genuinely resonating at a high coherent level you will tend to manifest circumstances that match the quality of your resonance. Likewise, if you have underlying low resonance patterns you will attract circumstances that mirror this level. Ultimately, this provides you with opportunities to learn and thus increase your level of resonance attracting more aligned circumstances. 
      • Whatever experience you attract is an exact match to where you are at the time. Can you identify any healing or higher awareness to bring to this time or experience?
    • Your actual material reality co-creates how you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually perceive your reality. 
      • The nature of your life experiences, particularly during your younger most impressionable years, set up the foundation and lens for how you view yourself and the world around you. Adverse and traumatic experiences can often create strong wounds within your body, heart, mind and soul complex. Acceptance that some of these experiences are a necessary and integral part of your life learning journey is an important perceptual paradigm shift. Some of these experiences may be divine soul contracts where your soul essence has determined specific circumstances and/or relationships for you to have in your life to grow from. 
  • Your material world will influence your perceptions but does not define it.
    • Two individuals with the same circumstances may perceive very different realities. Young identical twins would probably most closely represent this type of scenario as they typically live in fairly identical environments and bodies. However, we know that there are always differences between them and they are never completely the same. They will have varying perceptions of their experience of reality. Each twin may view their nearly identical life experience from a totally different perspective. One may view their circumstances as being a huge challenge and burden while the other may perceive this same situation with excitement and eagerness. 
  • You have an innate human right to free will which can modulate how you interpret and work with your reality. 
    • Your source of empowerment comes from your ability to adjust your perception of your actual reality as well as co-create it. 
    • This involves making the choice to heal on all levels from these wounds, curiously exploring, leaning into them and learning their underlying lessons thus elevating your resonance. This then has the potential to elevate both your perception of and actual reality. Resonate Health’s Master Guide Membership and individual offerings provide you opportunities to master your ability to co-create your reality and discover a whole new dimension of what it means to be alive and live in health. 
