
Neutral Space plate

Tuning Fork for Healing Balancing Subtle Energy Clearing Meridians Chakras & Cleansing Auras, Powerforms Sacred Geometry Neutral Space 6” x 4.5”
  • Works with your energy field via sympathetic resonance like a tuning fork. Hundreds of sacred geometry harmonic copper elements in 4 precisely tuned copper layers, work in harmony with each other and your magnetic field to balance and transform your energy
  • Create the space of “Being in the Moment”, Gain control over emotions and overcome fear, Access deeper wisdom and higher potential, Create Inner Peace & Knowingness
  • Balance, clear and stabilize chakras, meridians and subtle energy fields, Clear Chakra Meridian Blocks. Balance nervous energy, stabilize excitable un-grounded thoughts, smooth and unify chaotic emotional energy and transform thought

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