
Soul Activator disk

  • RELEASE WEIGHT, SADNESS & DEPRESSION – Neutralize negative emotions and voices in your head around self and eating ~ Align with Healthy vibrations and thought forms ~ The Soul Activator is responsive to your positive intentions ~ Access direct experiences that bypass years of learning as you intuitively re-discover your essential life energy ~ Remove the Anxiety & Stress of other peoples energy ~ Enhance & Raise your own self-image
  • ENERGIZE YOUR LIFE FORCE & AURA ~ Resonate with and know your true self ~ Feel presence of universal energy within your own body mind spirit ~ Experience unity with all of creation ~ Transmute energy blocks ~ Create smooth energy flow ~ Activate cleanse aura chakras subtle energy pathways ~ gently sweep through your meridians to improve your bio-field’s functioning
  • SPIRITUAL ENERGY CATALYST ENLIVENS YOU ~ Cultivate your alignment the solfeggio frequencies ~ Smooths your energy flow ~ Awaken your aura ~ Raise your vibration ~ Deepen your energy awareness ~ Align with your highest truth so you can manifest your potential ~ Discover the life-force energy that flows within you ~ Notice your subtle energy perceptions awaken
  • INTEGRATE YIN AND YANG ENERGIES ~ Transcend limitation ~ Align with deeper will-power ~ Open positive universal life energy ~ Align with your highest truth ~ Manifest your potential ~ Detect the life force that flows within you and discover that your own life energy is part of the universal energy
  • HOW TO USE: Each person’s Powerforms subtle energy experience is unique. Some people feel the energy when holding the disks and others find a shift in their state of being. We know that the subtle energy experience is not for everyone which is why there is a 100% money-back guarantee on the purchase price when you return the undamaged disk.

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