
Divine Essence Yellow Fire Element Disk

  • BENEFITS – Helps you release dull, stuck, boredom energy, feel greater zest, spirited emotions, and energetic responses. Whether you’re affected by sluggish attitudes or you feel that your forward motion has slowed down, the Fire element helps you tune in to your active essence. This supports your willingness to look beyond limitations to move towards creative solutions and fulfill your goals
  • ENERGIZE & BALANCE your elements, personal astrology and the feng shui home & bedroom elements – When your astrology and home are lacking fire, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo this disk will bring the benefits of passion, active and vibrant energy of fire into your life and environment. Like the resonance of a tuning fork or solfeggio frequencies, these copper antennas resonate with your higher self, your divine blueprint and Universal energies
  • DISCOVER an activated vital sense of inner radiance. Begin to feel your deeper mental brilliance more easily, develop a renewed sense of creativity, one-pointed attention, laser perception, and deeper focused awareness. It helps you transcend the dullness of unconscious people and situations that can seem so heavy – discover the fresh, radiant awareness that helps you address situations with deeper insights and focused presence and enthusiasm
  • TRANSEND – Feel yourself as a conscious being with deeper thoughts and new levels of consciousness. With your mind’s inner light awakened, see and sense new possibilities and potentials that other people didn’t even realize exist. Experience yourself as a conscious being of focused enthusiastic mental energy, grounded in your physical body
  • EXPERIENCE the sense of being at one with the world of infinite thought. Recognize that you are a thinking, creative being. Sense the subtle conversation between the Universe’s creative consciousness and your own inner radiant divine mind. The Fire element can help you enter a deeper, more sparkling awareness – a light and dazzling feeling that helps your mind awaken, so that you can release that dull, unconscious feeling.

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