
Super Cell Plate

  • QUICKLY ACCESS COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS ~ Experience spiritual growth, awakening self-healing and enlightenment ~ Cultivate your alignment the solfeggio frequencies ~ Activate your deeper positive potential and positive thinking ~ Access transmute past life experiences and patterns from your family tree ~ Open your third eye and experience an inner harmony that gently assists you to discover your personal resonance with the Universe
  • MUST HAVE PEAK PERFORMANCE TOOL~ Align your body, mind & spirit ~ Enhance Mental training, emotional intelligence and human performance ~ Smooth the energy running through your cells and meridians and begin to bring your body and light body vibrations into deep balance ~ Transmute negative energy patterns – Activate positive energy patterns ~ Reduce Stress ~ Create synchronicity and happiness in your life ~ Gently sweep through your meridians to improve your bio-field’s functioning
  • CHIROPRACTORS, MASSAGE THERAPIST ENERGY HEALERS use it for relaxation and calming moods before treatment ~ Clear meridians chakras and auras ~ Use in conjunction with EFT Tapping ~ Engage with the Super Cell finely tuned energies to balance your meridians and your light body ~ experience the resonance between your individual self and the infinite living Universe ~ Fibonacci Expression of numbers
  • MEDIUMS, PSYCHICS AND CLAIRVOYANTS us it to connect with Spirit Guides and Akashic Records ~ Activate and grow your aura and magnetic field ~ Convenient tool for smoothing your life body and energy, gently sweep it through your mental body to smooth your jagged thoughts and feel more at peace within your body and mind
  • HOW TO USE: Each person’s Powerforms subtle energy experience is unique. Some people feel the energy when holding the disks and others find a shift in their state of being. We know that the subtle energy experience is not for everyone which is why there is a 100% money-back guarantee on the purchase price when you return the undamaged disk.

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